Promotional film as an effective tool. Case study: AsanteEDU – interactive library in Ghana


In today’s information space, a real fight for the client has started. Companies try to reach potential customers by any mean to inform them – We are the best! We have the most attractive price! We have an exclusive range of products! It is evident that in such conditions a person tries to isolate himself from the multitude of information, as a result of which the task of a marketing specialist becomes even more complicated.

In fact, the primary goal of his activity is to understand – how can we break the barriers created by the potential customer? In other words – which communication channel with the client will be the most effective? The choice in this area is enormous: printed media, various forums and blogs, electronic versions of popular publications, radio channels and outdoor advertising, as well as sponsoring events etc.

In the face of such a significant amount of information stimuli, particular attention should be paid to the fact that a large part of them is consumed visually. This alone allows us to state that one of the most effective ways of marketing communication is to create a promotional video about a company or a given project. There are many arguments for such a decision, including the fact that the film is a format that will help you connect with any audience – just choose the right communication channel.

CASE STUDY: AsanteEDU + + M8 Production House Ltd.

A good example here is AsanteEDU educational project, for which both the appropriate form of business presentation and the channel of communication with potential recipients were chosen, which ideally suited the message that this project brings. M8 Production House was honoured to prepare a promotional film for AsanteEDU – an innovative concept for creating interactive libraries in Ghana. The film was ready for the needs of the crowdfunding platform

The AsanteEDU campaign collected on this platform over 18 thousand PLN in two weeks of the entire campaign. 178 people supported the campaign. Before the production of the film, we skillfully defined the goals of the marketing campaign. It helped us and project members to identify the content and strategy of its distribution correctly. The crowdfunding explainer was prepared to involve potential people in supporting this idea and to present the entire AsanteEDU initiative as part of promoting education in Africa. The primary goal of this production was to convince the maximum number of people to support their effort and to join such a noble purpose of promoting education among children.

We invite you to take a look at the example crowdfunding consultant, which we have prepared for AsanteEDU:

As research shows, these types of films are an excellent tool for presenting a company or a project. Kickstarter crowdfunding platform noted that the preparation of such material increases the effectiveness of the campaign by 114%. Promotional videos and crowdfunding explainer attract the attention of many recipients. They are an advertising message that is spreading fast and remains in memory for a long time. For this to happen, film production must be done professionally and intriguingly.


We have thoroughly analysed the use of videos as a tool to attract investors and potential customers for your company. Do not make a trivial presentation, product review or boring slide show. The promotional film can become an instrument that attracts the attention of people, as well as affect the deepest feelings of those whose decisions can seriously affect your business.

To get acquainted with our recommendations regarding the optimal form of production, we invite you to fill in our short BRIEF. Just click HERE.

Thank you for reading and I remain at your disposal.

I am open to help and support.

Oleksandr Mykhailov
New Business Manager – M8 Production House Sp. z o.o.
Tel.: +48 794 00 26 88
Fax: +48 22 543 73 21


Oleksandr Mykhailov

Oleksandr finished international business manegment at Warsaw School of Economics. He has got a lot of different carrier's experience while working for polish and abroad companies like EBDF S.A., GAMA LLC and Kelmi LLC. Happy business client is what makes Oleksandr happy. He requires mutual trust and he is not only advisor but also partner for his clients.